News & Articles
How to Manage Stress as a Caregiver
April is Stress Awareness Month, and as a caregiver, we know you face stressful situations every day. Caring for a loved one with a disability can be demanding on your time and energy. Maybe you need to keep track of appointments, refill medications, or cook meals with special dietary requirements. Perhaps caring for your family […]
3 Benefits of Our Day Service Programs
RISE Services, Inc. Oregon provides a wide array of services for individuals living with developmental and intellectual disabilities, and today, we’d like to highlight our day services programs. Whether you or a loved one need assistance in your home, would like help finding a job, or could benefit from our community services, our team is […]
Resume Tips to Follow When Applying for a DSP Role with RISE
Have you recently graduated high school and are looking for a fulfilling career? Are you interested in changing career paths and wish to pursue employment that has a positive impact? At RISE Services, Inc. Oregon, we’d like to invite you to consider a career with us. We are always looking for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) […]
Setting Goals with Foster Children for the New Year
The start of the new year is a great time to think about setting some new goals. We typically only think of adults setting goals like losing weight, reading more, registering for college classes, learning a new skill, and other similar objectives. Goal setting can be a healthy life skill for all children to learn. […]
4 Ways to Help Foster Children through Holiday Challenges
The holiday season can be difficult for children in foster care. They may be feeling the absence of their biological parents or siblings even more than usual during this time of year. At RISE Services, Inc. Oregon, we believe there are many ways you can make this season easier and more meaningful for them despite […]
How to Host an Inclusive Holiday Family Gathering
The holiday season is quickly approaching, and this is the time of year most of us look forward to all year long. If you’re hosting a family holiday gathering and have relatives or friends coming over who have developmental disabilities, you can make them feel special and welcome by hosting an inclusive holiday party. Before […]
4 Self Care Tips for Caregivers
Providing care for a family member can be rewarding yet exhausting at the same time. It can be even more difficult to care for someone else if you’re not first caring for yourself, so it is imperative that you take steps to improve your health and well-being in the midst of providing care for someone […]
Why DSPs Are Vital to Our Organization
The work of a Direct Support Professional (DSP) can be challenging, difficult, and exhausting. Yet, the DSPs at RISE Services, Inc. Oregon continue to provide services to children and adults with developmental disabilities with compassion, understanding, and patience. There’s no way we could serve individuals successfully without our amazing DSPs. Keep reading to learn why […]
4 Questions About Kinship Foster Care
Do you have family members or friends who are receiving services for their developmental disabilities? If so, there are times when it would be beneficial for both the child and their family if they are temporarily placed in the home of an immediate family member or close friend. At RISE Services, Inc. Oregon, we call […]
A Day in the Life of a DSP
At RISE Services, Inc. Oregon, we believe every member of our team plays a significant role in creating opportunities for and with individuals with developmental disabilities. We understand the important job our direct support professionals play which is why we place an emphasis on taking great care of our employees. Before you apply to work […]