3 Reasons We Honor Direct Support Professionals
It’s Direct Support Professional Recognition Week, and here at RISE Services, Inc. Oregon, we’d like to celebrate our direct support professionals (DSPs). They work one-on-one with our clients, helping them find meaningful jobs, supporting behavior challenges with positive strategies, and providing guidance for independent living. Without our DSPs, we could not help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) realize their personal goals and become valuable members of their local community. Below are three reasons we are grateful for our amazing DSPs.
1. Adaptability
DSPs wear many different hats while working with participants. Because each client has unique needs, we personalize our services for the specific child or adult we work with. For example, adults in our supported living program have different skills, abilities, and requirements, so we create a customized plan for each adult who lives independently. Some individuals may need help managing their medication, while others may need help grocery shopping and paying bills. DSPs may teach their client how to cook an easy meal today, and tomorrow, they may help them navigate public transportation.
2. Compassion
We believe that compassion is a priority when working with individuals with disabilities, and our DSPs are excellent at displaying compassion to our clients. Working successfully with people requires trust, and building that trust without a caring and compassionate attitude is hard. Compassion is imperative when a child or adult with an I/DD needs professional behavioral health services. It can take time, patience, and a lot of compassion when teaching positive coping skills, practicing behavior strategies with clients, or delivering helpful behavior interventions.
3. Dedication
Our DSPs are some of the most reliable people you will ever meet. They are dedicated to showing up for each shift, each assignment, and each client. This makes a huge difference in the connections made between DSPs and program participants. Individuals with I/DD need to know they can rely on their DSPs for their support, assistance, and companionship. Many of our DSPs have made valuable friendships with their clients. When they have a DSP dedicated to showing up for them as often as possible, children and adults with I/DD have a better chance of meeting their personal goals and leading fulfilled, inspiring lives.
Celebrate DSPs With Us
We’d like to say thank you and express our deepest gratitude to all of our Direct Support Professionals who are adaptable, compassionate, and reliable. To learn more about having a career as a Direct Support Professional, visit our Careers page or contact us today.
Source: “What Makes a Successful DSP?” Web article. Open Systems Healthcare. 18 Oct. 2019. Web. 10 Sep. 2023.